


Hi dear readers!

As I sit today to write this, I cannot stop thinking that it seems like we were starting 2020 a few days ago, and now I am writing you for the first time in 2021.

Without a doubt, last year was a strange and different one for all of us, but it also left some positive lessons, as we tried to highlight throughout some of our blog posts. I am sure that such a positive approach will also be part of this New Year, as it opens the door to new beginnings.

I am also thinking about why I am writing you, and the truth is very simple: to keep in touch.

As with any interpersonal relationship that requires consistent work, we would also like to have a close relationship with you, our audience. We want you to know who we are and what we do. We want to tell you about important topics specific to our profession. We want to give you some practical tips and guidance. But most importantly, we would like you to feel that you know us.

I hope that I have been successful at giving you a taste of TecniTranslations and that this goal continues to be reached every month as time goes by.

But thinking about why I am writing you leads me to reflect on what I write and how I do this.

Today, I would like precisely to tell you about this, about the process behind blogging.

Before I get down to business, as my literature teacher used to say, I would like to talk to you about a post we shared last year regarding “Keys to Write Content for Websites”, which includes a few practical tips that also apply to blogging.

If you have not read this yet, you can access this post by clicking here.

Now let’s discuss specifically about blog posts.

First (and most importantly) we need to find and establish a good topic.

We must search for issues that can be relevant for our audience, that are also consistent with the goals we have established for our blog. “Fresh” themes, different to those already flooding the internet.  But even if we decide to address a topic that other authors have already written about, we must find a unique approach that actually manages to add something fresh to it.

Once we have selected the topic, and considering the tips from our previous post, we should take into consideration some aspects I would like to share with you when writing a blog post:

  • The title: let’s call it the “bait” that will allow us to fish and hook our target audience, encouraging them to keep reading. My advice would be to look for a title that somehow introduces your audience to the theme, while also leaving something to the reader’s imagination without revealing the whole story.
  • The story: no matter what your topic is, we should tell it as a compelling story for our readers. You should have a nice introduction to capture your audience attention, a body serving to dive deeper into the topic and provide relevant information, and lastly a conclusion that hopefully would close everything we covered in this post in a creative manner.
  • The author: when blogging, we have an excellent opportunity to write using a personal approach, to assess topics from our point of view and our experiences, and to decide how we would like to tell each story (provided that the blog’s goal allows you to do so). This is a chance that we should not miss, as when we write from a personal perspective, we will always have differentiated articles written from a unique standpoint and applying a distinctive narrative to that of any other articles.
  • The examples: my advice is, wherever possible, to try to link blog topics with your day-to-day stories. Using routine examples from your daily lives not only would help readers to understand and digest more easily each topic but will also create closeness and empathy.
  • Consistency: let’s remember that each post is part of something bigger -the blog. Therefore, to the extent possible, we must try to be consistent in terms of writing tone and style to ensure that every post helps build on and contribute to the blog.
  • Brevity: We should not write just because. Today’s people receive tons of information and have little time to read.  Thus, I would recommend you to look for the simplest, shortest and most interesting way to tell each story.
  • Put it to rest: Personally, I like to write these articles and put them to rest for a few days. Then, with a fresh mind, I read them again and generally find some corrections or changes to make, which end up improving and helping the article as a whole.

These are just a few practical tips I hope would serve as guidance when it comes to writing a blog.  But in the end, the best thing you should do is start writing.  Open a Word document and start typing.  Read, read it again, delete something, edit this, add that, and keep writing.

The more you write, the better you will become at it.  And the more you write, the more fun will become too.  So, let’s write and enjoy!

I would like to close this post by wishing you a happy New Year, feeling very excited about all these new topics we will share during this 2021.


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