


Today’s world is 100% digital.

We all know this for sure.


The way we were used to digest information has changed a while ago.


As a result, we must also change the way we create and write this information.


But this is something that maybe all of us are not aware of.


So this is why I decided to use this entry to focus precisely on making a compilation of tips and fundamentals I consider essential when it comes to writing contents for websites.


First of all, I will divide the production of these contents or information in two sections:


First, there is the substance.

I like to call this the “meaty stuff”, as it basically nurtures each text with relevant information and data.


Then, there is the form.

This can be seen as the way we “cook and serve the meaty stuff”.

It is about finding the best way to structure and express said content so the readers can easily digest it.



Let’s see first some tips to create this content.

And then, we will also review some key points that should be taken into consideration to give them form in the best possible way.


Now, let’s talk about the content.

Below you will find a summary of what I believe are the most important aspects when it comes to producing good content in three simple tips:




There are tons of information available out there. We must review and use them to our benefit. Before creating, we must always do a thorough research.




To create relevant content we must clearly know the reason why we are writing (purpose), and be fully familiar with whom we want out message to reach to (target audience). My advice is always spending enough time to establish these two aspects before beginning to write.




We can’t and we shouldn’t say the same that other people have said before. This would be pointless. This would be repeated content. Everything we write should ALWAYS bring something new to the table, either in essence or from the perspective we provide.


Now let’s discuss about the form or construction of these contents.

When we already know what to say we have to think about how to say it and the best way to express our message.


Following I will share with you 5 aspects that I consider to be essential:


  • Creative punch: I recommend you to use creative and smart headers, sub-headers and/or phrases that get to catch your readers’ eyes.


  • Conciseness: We should try to convey our idea in the clearest and easiest way, as readers have increasingly less time and there are more distractions around.


  • Pyramid of information: We should begin with the most relevant information; prioritize our ideas is extremely important to try to convey our message as a whole.


  • O – R – T – O – G – R – A – P – H – Y: This may seem basic in a world filled with automatic proofreading tools; however, we should be very careful of not making any orthographic mistakes. In my opinion these undermine the author’s credibility. This is why I would recommend you to read and re-read your text several times to avoid them.


  • Short texts: Let’s avoid big text blocks, as these may become tiresome for the reader and may hinder an effective conveyance of your message. For these purposes, you might want to limit each paragraph to 4 lines tops.



Following these tips and fundamentals, as simple as they may seem, will help you to have a good-quality “meaty stuff”, thereby leading readers to look at it as a tasty dish.


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