


At first glance, transcreation looks like an intriguing word. Don’t you think so?

This word caught my attention since the very first moment I heard it, right away.


But the appeal of the word is not the reason why I decided to write about the transcreation process and the relevance it has in the translation industry.


In our last blog entry we wrote about the topic of videogame localization, doing a comparison to define it more informally as the moving (and all it involves) of the videogame´s characters, situations, places, and dialogues to the new target region or market where the videogame is to be launched.

If you haven´t read it, just click here: https://www.tecnitranslations.com/localization-of-videogames-explained-plainly-and-simply/?lang=en

So it seemed to me that this entry was the perfect opportunity to continue with these variations in the translation industry that go beyond what is commonly known as translating, as these are more specialized processes requiring additional expertise and research for the translation product to be successful.


Now, and to understand what the big deal about transcreation really is, it should be noted that it is mainly used in the advertising and brand communication sector. Its primary goal is allowing a slogan or advertising message to have the same impact in the target language as it does in its source culture.


With this in mind, I would like to define the transcreation process as TRANSLATION + LOCALIZATION + ADVERTISING CREATIVITY.

TRANSLATION, because in essence we must translate the text and convert it from one language to another.


LOCALIZATION, because it is important to take into consideration the cultural context, both in the source and target languages, in order to be able to convey the message correctly.


CREATIVITY, because this is not only about expressing the same idea conceived in the original language but should also carefully look and select the right words so the phrase sounds properly, appealing, and stirs up the same feelings and emotions in the audience as intended by the brand.


So, in order to achieve a successful transcreation, not only it is essential to engage a translator but also a person well versed in different cultural contexts and also with expertise in the advertising creativity industry.


Sounds like a complicated task, isn’t it?


The truth is transcreation is a much more complex and specialized type of translation, which may be challenging for people without the required skills and training as we mentioned before.


However, there’s nothing to worry about!


This is why we, as professional translators, are here. We are ready to engage in transcreation tasks and achieve the goal of finding the right slogan, advertising campaign, or even the title of a movie or a TV show to reach your new target audience and cause the desired effect.


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